Contact Me


I hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Application with a specialization in Cloud Computing & DevOps from Punjab Technical University, India.

Work Experience

I have extensive work experience, having served as a Computer Science lecturer at St Jude Higher Institute and Saint David Higher Institute in Douala,..


I have successfully founded and managed various startups and projects, most notably Next Generation Academy, which offers specialized IT training across

Key Note speaker

keynote speaker at the Thrive Future Summit 2024 in India, where I shared insights on emerging technologies, cloud computing, and the future of IT.
About Me

Computer Science Lecturer | PhD | Devops | Web | Personal Coach

I have a dynamic IT professional with a robust academic background and diverse work experience. I hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Application with a specialization in Cloud Computing & DevOps from Punjab Technical University, India, a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Application from Chandigarh University, India, and a Diploma in Computer Science from the University Institute of the Gulf of Guinea, Cameroon. My education has provided me with deep expertise in cloud computing, DevOps, programming, and network systems.

Overcoming Challenges

My Journey Through IT Leadership and Innovation

Success is not just about what you achieve, but about the challenges you overcome and the courage to keep moving forward.


Notable Projects and Innovations

My work include developing custom websites for businesses such as Scott Agency and Avogadro Global Services, as well as founding Next Generation Academy to provide cutting-edge IT training. These projects underscore his commitment to advancing technology, supporting businesses, and empowering the next generation of IT professionals.


Insights and

I have a deep passion for teaching and sharing knowledge, which drives me to continually inspire and educate others. I am always eager to explore new domains and acquire new skills, embracing every opportunity to grow both personally and professionally

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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