About Me

A Journey of Lifelong Learning and Technological Mastery

My educational journey is marked by a dedication to learning and a commitment to mastering the evolving world of technology. It began with a Diploma in Computer Science from the University Institute of the Gulf of Guinea, Cameroon, where i built a strong foundation in computer engineering and network systems. I then pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Application from Chandigarh University, India, expanding my expertise in programming, software development, and web technologies. This provided me with a global perspective and solidified my passion for IT.

Eager to delve deeper into emerging fields, I completed my Master’s Degree in Computer Application with a specialization in Cloud Computing & DevOps at Punjab Technical University, India. I am now pursuing a PhD in Information Systems, a natural progression of my dedication to education and technology

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My Educational Journey

My academic journey has shaped him into a versatile IT professional with the ability to adapt, innovate, and lead in various technical domains.


Advance Level Certificate

Government Bilingual High School Fundong, NorthWest Cameroon

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) | Chandigarh University India

Computer Networks Database Management Systems Web Development Programming in C, C++, Python

Web Design course through Harvard University's CS50 program,

HTML | CSS\ JavaScript | WordPress

WordPress training from Brilliant Web in Mohali

Refining my web development skills and deepening my expertise in creating dynamic and user-friendly websites.

Ordinary Level Certificate

Government Bilingual High School Fundong, NorthWest Cameroon

Higher National Diploma | Computer Science

Computer Engineering | Network Systems | Software Development

Master of Computer Application (MCA) in Cloud Computing & DevOps | Punjab Technical University, India

Cloud Computing | DevOps| Advanced Programming | AWS (Amazon Web Services) | Advanced Networking | Artificial Intelligence | Project Management | Digital Marking

Cloud Engineer training with the ICS Group

Practical, industry-specific skills to my academic foundation

Currently planning to pursue my PhD in the USA

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